Can you feel things in dreams? Yes, it is possible to experience all of your senses while dreaming, if not all of them. It is referred to as an epic dream, a more advanced form of lucidity.
In your dreams, you can experience any sensation, including those related to gravity, temperature, taste, and touch. Even though I have the ability to feel pain if I choose to, it doesn’t hurt as much as it would in real life. For me, it typically happens during a nap in the afternoon or in the early morning (I typically wake up at 5.25 am). I believe it happens after the deep sleep phase and not during it.
Table of Contents
Do You Experience Pain In Dreams?
When something unpleasant happens in reality, such as a wasp deciding to sting your sleeping body (rude), you may experience pain in your dreams. In a 1993 paper, this type of pain in dreams was investigated. Blood pressure cuffs were used to administer pain to participants while they were in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep.
The pain that the participants felt was an exact replica of the pain that the tightening cuff was causing in real life. It’s interesting that the pain frequently served as the theme of the dreams, with the dreamers describing feelings of rage and repetitive actions meant to soothe the pain. Additionally, compared to the other participants, the participant with a long-standing knee issue experienced more pain in dreams.
Do Dreams Of Pain Actually Exist?
Pain experienced while dreaming is distinct from “real” pain in that it originates from the dream’s content rather than a real-life stimulus. For instance, a person might be dreaming about experiencing torture in a way that they have never experienced in real life. However, the dream trauma still feels pain when it happens, probably due to learned perceptions of painful circumstances. Pain in dreams typically disappears as soon as the dreamer wakes up.
“I would argue that even “actual” pain is largely psychological, said Erin Wamsley, an assistant psychology professor at Furman University in South Carolina, to Vice. In some ways, experiencing pain is mental. That means that when we injure ourselves, our brains process the pain rather than the injured body part.
Pain in the brain manifests as activation in the cerebral cortex’s pain-related regions, which is brought on by data from peripheral nervous system pain receptors. Your brain most likely draws on memories of past pain experiences when you experience dream pain rather than actual pain signals coming from various body parts.

Possibility For Physical Sensations During Sleep
Your mind is the one who sees everything you see. Light merely stimulates your eyes, which then communicate a signal to your brain, which processes the signal to create an image that appears in your mind.
Your senses all operate similarly.
The nerves in your body use physical sensations like touch to create an electric signal. It then travels to your brain, where your mind interprets and experiences it.
Your mind is where dreams happen. Since all sensations are initially experienced in the brain, it is capable of reproducing any sensation you can imagine.
How Come Dreams Appear So Real?
Certain areas of your brain are busier than others when you dream. While the areas in charge of logic and reasoning are quiet, the areas involved in memory, emotion, and sensory processing send out a large number of messages.
Final Words
So, can you feel things in dreams?
The main focus of the essay is whether or not things can be felt in dreams. Please leave a comment if you’d like to know if it’s possible to feel things in dreams. I appreciate your reading. Have a good day.