Let’s first discuss alcohol and melatonin.
Alcohol consumption is unsafe while taking melatonin. Melatonin is not an exception to the rule that alcohol impairs the efficacy of drugs and supplements. Alcohol has the potential to either blunt or enhance the effects of melatonin.
It is best to take melatonin without any alcohol in your system or several hours after consuming any alcoholic beverages. Wait two to three hours before taking melatonin for sleep, depending on how much alcohol you’ve consumed.
For more detailed information, continue reading.
Table of Contents
Can I Take Melatonin While Drinking Alcohol?
Since our bodies naturally produce melatonin, it makes sense that many people are curious about whether it is safe to consume alcohol and melatonin supplements within a few hours of one another. Alcohol and melatonin supplements both tend to make people sleepy, so mixing the two could make the sleepiness worse even though studies on how they interact are lacking.
As was already mentioned, natural melatonin encourages our sleep-wake cycle while alcohol interferes with it. Alcohol consumption may also negate the effects of a melatonin supplement, making it less effective.
Simply put, melatonin functions best when you don’t have any alcohol in your system.
Mix Melatonin With Alcohol
The fact that melatonin is naturally produced by our bodies may help to explain why so many people are at ease using it. Melatonin is thought to be “safe” and “natural,” unlike sleeping pills.’ Why could it be harmful if our body already produces it?
But it’s crucial to know how to use melatonin safely and effectively, just like with any medication.
It is dangerous to combine melatonin supplements with alcohol, to put it simply. Despite the fact that your body naturally produces melatonin, alcohol can either reduce or increase the potency of melatonin supplements, further impairing your ability to function.
The following negative effects may occur if melatonin supplements are consumed with alcohol:
- Increased heart rate
- Redness in the face
- Swelling of hands or feet
- Increased anxiety and/or irritability
- Vivid dreams
- Poor sleep quality
- Confusion or inability to think properly
Potential Dangers Of Mixing Melatonin With Alcohol
Combining alcohol and melatonin can result in more serious side effects than just unpleasant or disorienting ones. Several of these risks include:
- Dizziness
- Risk of falling
- Fatigue and drowsiness
- Difficulty breathing
- Sudden unconsciousness
If you suddenly pass out, you could be in grave danger, especially if you are in a potentially dangerous situation while walking, such as near a busy street or while driving a car. Depending on the circumstances, accidents, falls, and collisions can result in serious injury or even death.See more about Why Does Melatonin Give Me Nightmares?
How Does Alcohol Affect Melatonin?
Several studies have found that people who drink heavily have lower levels of melatonin in their bodies. In comparison to study participants who did not drink heavily, those who did began producing melatonin later in the evening, disrupting the circadian rhythm.
Currently available research only examined the effects of alcohol on naturally occurring melatonin (not melatonin supplements) in small populations of individuals. Therefore, more investigation is required to determine the precise nature of the interactions between consuming alcohol and melatonin supplements.

What Is Melatonin?
Our circadian rhythm, or the 24-hour cycle of natural sleep and wakefulness, is maintained by the hormone melatonin, which is produced naturally by the body. Melatonin is a vital hormone that promotes sleep and helps us stay asleep. It is produced in the brain. After sunset, when levels are at their highest, production ramps up.) in our bodies between 2AM and 4AM.
Even though our bodies naturally produce melatonin, it is also available over-the-counter (OTC). Melatonin supplementation to increase the level of this hormone in our bodies is not always advised, even though taking it occasionally as a sleep aid is typically thought to be safe for most people when taken over a short period of time.
It is significant to note that the FDA does not regulate dietary supplements as strictly or to the same standards as prescription drugs, such as melatonin. This means that there are frequently few studies about the efficacy, drug interactions, and side effects of dietary supplements. The best course of action is to speak with your doctor about whether taking a melatonin supplement is appropriate for you.See more about Can You Get High Off Of Melatonin?
Ways To Take Melatonin For Best Results
1 mg to 10 mg is the range of dosages available for supplements. What dosage suits you and your body’s metabolism best? Discuss this with your doctor. Typically, dosages for sleep aids range from 0.1 mg to 5 mg. The dosage will vary based on age, health conditions, the reason(s) you’re taking it, and how long you’ve been taking it. Since melatonin is not regulated in the United States, it is challenging to determine the precise dosage for each individual. FDA is short for Food and Drug Administration. Brands can also affect dosage. To take melatonin, follow these general recommendations:
- Melatonin should be taken about 30 minutes prior to going to bed, according to many medical professionals and nutritionists.
- Melatonin can be consumed in a variety of ways. The most common kind of device in stores is a tablet. Some food and beverage products also contain melatonin. However, taking tablets is the most secure and efficient way to take melatonin.
- Avoid doing anything that exposes you to “blue light” after taking melatonin supplements.” These activities include using a mobile device, such as a smartphone, or watching television. Due to the brightness of these screens, this type of light can prevent your body from producing enough melatonin. Additionally, it may reduce a supplement’s efficiency.
- Avoid drinking alcohol after taking melatonin supplements if you’re using them to aid in sleep. Time-release melatonin supplements are common. They take some time to start working, so to speak. A good deal of them start to work around 30 minutes after you take them. Having an alcoholic beverage disrupts this process and may make the supplement less effective.See more about Why Does Melatonin Give Me Nightmares?
Alcohol Affect Those Who Are Sleep Deprived
One of the problems caused by insomnia, which is defined as a persistent problem with falling asleep, staying asleep, and getting good quality sleep, is that it makes it difficult to carry out your daily tasks as effectively as you would like and makes you feel sleepy all day.
Alcohol has been used by many adults seeking something to aid in falling asleep because of its sedative properties. Alcohol can cause disturbances throughout the night and has been shown to reduce the amount of REM (rapid eye movement), the deepest stage of sleep, that you experience. Even though drinking alcohol seems to help you fall asleep faster, this means that the quality of the sleep you get is poor, and you will probably feel sleepy the next day.
Regularly consuming alcohol to treat insomnia can result in a self-medicating cycle in which the individual uses a depressant (alcohol) to fall asleep and a stimulant (such as caffeine) to stay awake during the day. Your body is thrown off balance as a result, and you risk becoming dependent on these substances.
Alcohol abuse appears to be associated with symptoms of insomnia in people who report it. And individuals with alcohol use disorders frequently discover that their sleeping issues persist even after they stop drinking.
What Occurs When The Melatonin Is Exhausted?
After their expiration date, most pills merely lose some of their potency or effectiveness. You cannot determine, without conducting laboratory testing, how much their potency has changed, so do not try to make up for it by taking more.
Funny fact: nothing happens if you don’t know they’ve expired because of the placebo effect. My friend used melatonin pills that were well past their expiration date, and they performed “perfectly.”
Time To See Doctor
Make an appointment to see your doctor if you have chronic insomnia or sleep disruptions. A doctor can rule out any underlying medical conditions that might be causing your insomnia.
It is still advisable to consult a doctor before taking melatonin as a supplement, even if other potential causes of insomnia have been ruled out. Melatonin’s potential negative effects and its interactions with any other medications a person may be taking can be better predicted by a doctor.
When using melatonin, stay away from alcohol. If someone accidentally ingests both melatonin and alcohol, they should get medical help right away if they have breathing issues or feel faint.
The End
Healthy sleep is essential for maintaining physical and mental wellbeing as well as raising general standards of living. Millions of Americans struggle to fall asleep every night, and many are turning to natural sleep aids like melatonin for assistance.
However, taking melatonin supplements while intoxicated is not advised as it may interfere with your regular sleep-wake cycle. Your risk of side effects and injuries can both increase as a result of this combination. Before attempting any over-the-counter sleep aids, it is best to speak with your doctor about your ongoing sleep issues. In the interim, stay away from alcohol.
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