To start with, why does melatonin give me nightmares?
Common natural sleep aids with minimal side effects include melatonin supplements. Though uncommon, melatonin can lengthen the time you spend in the dreaming stage of sleep known as REM sleep, which is when you have your most vivid or frightening dreams.
Please continue reading to learn why melatonin causes my nightmares in greater detail.
Table of Contents
What Is Melatonin?
According to sleep expert Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., the pineal gland in the brain is where melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone, is produced., its primary function is to signal to the body what time of day it is and set our circadian rhythm.
“Teitelbaum informs mbg that this is essential for a variety of reasons, but most importantly for lulling us to sleep at night. Melatonin can signal to the body that it is time for bed when the sun sets and your environment becomes dark.
Do Melatonin-induced Dreams Turn Bad Or Vivid?
In general, if you’re anxious or stressed out, you might have more vivid dreams. The occurrence of more vivid dreams and/or nightmares can also be a symptom of certain sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, as well as the use of beta-blockers and antihistamines.
Nevertheless, in Dr. Drerup, it’s unclear whether taking more melatonin before bed results in unpleasant or vivid dreams. “There isn’t enough proof to say how taking melatonin supplements affects dreams specifically, the author asserts.
How Does Melatonin Influence Sleep Then?
Simply put, Matthew Walker, Ph.D., a neuroscientist,, once likened melatonin to the official at an starting gun for the Olympic race. By letting the rest of the body know that it’s time to get ready for sleep, melatonin, according to Walker of NPR, “organizes the great sleep race and then begins the race.”
Melatonin thus signals to all systems to start the process of converting from wakefulness to sleep, rather than actually causing sleep on its own.
It’s interesting that most people associate melatonin with sleepiness when the real analogy is between melatonin and a clock. Walker contends that people who believe taking melatonin supplements will put them to sleep are actually experiencing a placebo effect. “Many different brain functions and chemicals work together to create sleep and put you to sleep. Melatonin simply predicts when sleep will happen; it does not actually cause sleep, he tells the news source.
This is just one of the many factors that make other, non-melatonin supplements more effective (not to mention safer) for nightly sleep support.
The Possible Causes Of Vivid Dreams After Melatonin Use
It may be your body’s natural reaction to entering a deeper, more restful sleep if you experience particularly vivid or unpleasant dreams after taking melatonin. Studies have revealed that melatonin can increase REM sleep, the sleep cycle known for producing vivid dreams. “According to Dr., if you are sleeping for longer periods of time during which vivid dreams are more likely to occur, this could inevitably result in an increase in the number of bad or vivid dreams. Drerup.
She continues, melatonin also triggers the release of vasotocin, a protein that controls REM sleep, during sleep. “More melatonin may result in higher vasotocin levels, which could mean more REM sleep and potentially vivid dreams.” The relationship between melatonin and memory is a topic of research for scientists. A 2020 study discovered that one of the molecules produced when melatonin was broken down in the body aided mice’s long-term memory.

Other Side Effects Of Melatonin
When taken as directed by the supplement’s product label and within the typical dosage range of 0.1 mg to 5 mg, melatonin is generally regarded as a secure natural sleep aid. Rarely does it have serious side effects.
The more prevalent melatonin side effects, especially in high doses, include:
- Drowsiness
- Next day sleepiness
- Headache
- Nausea
- Dizziness
Reduced body temperature, agitation, fatigue, mood swings, nightmares, skin irritation, and palpitations are less frequent adverse effects of melatonin supplements.
The negative effects of melatonin supplements are not well studied. However, most side effects appear to be transient and frequently disappear on their own, either within a few days of continuing to take the supplement or right away after stopping it. You may find it difficult to sleep well if you have vivid dreams or nightmares. If you experience this, you might want to try a lower dose or stop taking the melatonin supplement altogether.
What Must You Do If A Nightmare Is Having You?
Everyone occasionally experiences nightmares, but if you do so frequently and they are impairing the quality of your sleep, you should see a doctor.
“Generally speaking, it is appropriate to discuss with your doctor how to safely stop taking any OTC or prescription medication that is causing unpleasant side effects, says Dr. Regular nightmares can be concerning, Medalie continued, regardless of whether you’re taking melatonin or some other dietary supplement or medication. “If nightmares persist even when melatonin is taken, they may be a sign of post-traumatic stress disorder or even nightmare disorder, says Dr. “Those who have had a history of trauma may experience flashbacks while sleeping (i.e. nightmares), which can cause insomnia, sleep loss, and elevated distress.” In that situation, it’s critical to address the underlying cause.
“The first step to take if you are having nightmares is to see if they are connected to any other general or mental health conditions that already exist, advises Dr. Talk to your doctor, who can help identify the source of the issue, make treatment recommendations, or refer you to a specialist who is better qualified to assist, Willeumier advised. “Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which focuses on addressing the distorted thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with techniques that help correct the distortions in cognition, is one non-pharmacological treatment option. Telling POPSUGAR, Willeumier. “In addition to image rehearsal therapy, lucid dreaming, sleep dynamic therapy, systemic desensitization, hypnosis, EMDR therapy, relaxation and rescripting therapy, and relaxation are all variations of CBT.”
Try some alternative sleep aids if you think melatonin is the only thing causing your nightmares. Dr. Willeumier advises establishing a regular sleep schedule, engaging in regular exercise, abstaining from eating three hours before bed, and avoiding caffeine-containing foods and beverages after 3 p.m., abstaining from alcohol before bed, dimming the lights in the evenings, using filters to block blue light from computer screens and smartphones, and keeping your bedroom temperature cool (between 60 and 67 degrees).
Once more, consult your doctor if these healthy routines aren’t sufficient to ensure that you get enough sleep. The answer might be as easy as adding a few relaxing stress-relieving activities to your evening routine, or your doctor might suggest a different drug or therapy to help. You shouldn’t have to endure suffering, however. Don’t give up because getting enough sleep is crucial!
When Should You Consult A Medical Expert?
Consider attempting different sleep-improvement techniques if you start experiencing disturbing, intense nightmares after taking melatonin. Examine your daily schedule to see if there is anything you can do to make it better. Try consuming no more than one serving of caffeine in the morning, for instance. Sleep hygiene practices frequently play a significant role in outcomes.
Talk to a medical professional if you continue to have trouble sleeping or unsettling nightmares after stopping melatonin. Based on your particular medical history, they can provide you with individualized medical advice. They might also advise you to consult a therapist or mental health professional to resolve any potentially related issues.
Why does melatonin give me nightmares was the main topic of the post.
Melatonin is a hormone that regulates your circadian rhythm and signals your body’s internal systems to start preparing for bed, but it has little impact on the quality of your sleep or the content of your dreams. If you’re remembering fragments of strange dreams when you wake up in the morning, it probably has less to do with melatonin and is more likely a reaction to something that happened yesterday, like what you ate for dinner.
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